This will be a publishing contract between Coaching Inspired LLC and Co-author purchasing this opportunity.
ROSALES MAVERICKS PUBLISHING STUDIO will take on the role of publisher for this project. Adriana Rosales and Co-author purchasing this opportunity will co-author the book together with other hand selected co-authors. All parties will share responsibilities in marketing the book. All of the marketing assets will be provided by Adriana & Company™ a subsidiary of Coaching Inspired LLC.
Book Summary: Adriana & Company™ and co-authors book project will include everything in the attached exhibit A. The investment for this book project is as paid by co-author. The Book launches: winter 2022/2023/2024, (unless there are unforeseen circumstances that may extend the launch Volume 1, in 2022 Vol 2 in 2023 & Vol 3 in 2024)
Terms: ROSALES MAVERICKS PUBLISHING STUDIO will take responsibility for publishing the book (formatting, editing, distribution, etc.). Adriana & Company™ and Co-author purchasing this opportunity will write their part of the book (1 chapter) and submit it to Adriana & Company™ by an agreed upon deadline.
If for any reason the coauthor is not paid in full or up to date on required monthly payments by the book launch date. We reserve the right to remove you completely from this book project.
Chapter Deadline: All chapters shall be due 4 weeks from sign up date or by October 1, 2022/2023/2024 whichever date is later. Author will abide by these deadlines and will not delay the publishing of the book. Support is available to the author, if needed please reach out to Adriana & Company™. Chapter shall be sent to Latinas100Authors@gmail.com when completed with the subject title: Fideo Soup for the SOUL.
All items in Exhibit A are an estimate of the bonuses and description of the items the co-author will receive. Some items under exhibit A may change.
I, Co Author, agree to the terms of the contract as described above by clicking on the I agree button and paying for this opportunity.
I, Fideo Soup for the Soul writer, agree to the terms of the contract as described above.
Inspired Coaching LLC
Exhibit A
You will author a 800 to 1000 word story of your interest
Your picture will be added in the book along with all your business contact information
Unlimited access to the Latinas100™ support team to help you write and edit your story
You will receive professional digital assets such as memes and social media graphics to help share your story
You will receive a writer’s template to help you structure your story
You will receive 3 printed books
You will receive training on how the publishing industry works and how you can profit from it
You will receive VIP access the FB Private Group where training will take place.
You will be featured in Adriana's YouTube Channel "100 Authors 100 Days" show where you will be interviewed about your story
You will receive a completed and edited video of your interview
You will be promoted across all of Adrian's social media platforms and press releases
The book will translate in to 3 languages
You will have the opportunity to speak on the Latinas100™ conference platform internationally
I have agreed and agree to the following as written